Information Brasserie Du Château
Looking for a nice French meal? You've come to the right place. Our restaurant Brasserie Du Château satisfies even the most demanding of diners - you'll be won over by tasty dishes served in a cheerful atmosphere. Our beautiful exterior allows you to relax when the weather is nice.
# An excellent restaurant with a varied range of drinks
Let yourself be tempted by our diverse and traditional French cuisine. In our restaurant, you can enjoy our prized assortment of burgers. You are also welcome to try the wine - we would be happy to help you make your choice. We have a separate area for smokers.
# Takeaway service available
Please drop in during our opening hours. We'd be happy to accommodate you!
As payment options, we have contactless payment, debit card, meal ticket, VISA or MasterCard and cash payment.
If you are short on time, we would be happy to pack your takeaway order.
You can visit us daily from 08:00 to 22:00.