Information Pho l Orient
Would you like to spend a pleasant and welcoming evening over an Asian or Vietnamese meal in a restaurant? In our restaurant Pho L Orient, we serve varied and delicious dishes that you can enjoy in an original atmosphere. Whatever the weather, our air-conditioned rooms guarantee ideal temperatures at all times.
# Ideal restaurant with wifi
Choose from countless Asian and Vietnamese recipes and indulge yourself. Our free wifi keeps you connected.
# We host your private event
Simply park in our free parking spaces. Our restaurant is handicap accessible.
Please stop by during our business hours. We look forward to welcoming you!
Payment is possible by VISA, Ticket Restaurant®, meal vouchers, MasterCard, AMEX, debit card or the usual cash.
We also pack your takeaway.
You can celebrate unforgettable parties on our premises. We would be happy to assist you with your private events.
We are open every day except Sunday.