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Grandes Tables par Christophe Jean
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Information Grandes Tables par Christophe Jean

You can count on us for full party service, delicious buffets and private events. Let our catering service Grand Tables by Christophe Jean assist you with your event planning and enjoy our delicious meals delivered to your party venue.
# Authentic Buffet Catering Service
Let yourself be seduced and enjoy international, diverse and traditional cuisine. Our delicious buffet will amaze you with its rich selection of dishes. You won't have to wait to be served.
With us, you can pay either by cash or MasterCard, VISA, debit card, dematerialized payment, AMEX, PayPal, cheque, meal tickets, bank transfer, holiday voucher or Ticket Restaurant®.
Private festivities are possible for us - contact us to know more. If you want to celebrate your wedding with us - contact us and we will make it an unforgettable day.
You can visit us every day from 08:00 to 20:00.

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