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A friendly evening with Italian food? - Our dishes are freshly prepared in a welcoming atmosphere. You can also enjoy our French dishes. Our beautiful outdoor area is especially welcoming in warm weather. Our air-conditioned restaurant welcomes you to enjoy a pleasant time no matter what the temperature outside.
# Charming Italian Restaurant located in a romantic location
Italian cuisine will enchant you with its exclusive variety of culinary delights. Our cuisine is complemented by a wide range of delicious dishes and drinks. We are renowned for our excellent salads. In the afternoon, many of us enjoy a tiramisu, a delicate jam, a delicate chocolate, a refreshing ice cream, divine pastries or desserts, also delicious as a dessert. Come and enjoy a delicious lunch or dinner with us!
# Customized food
Our diverse vegetarian dishes are very popular because they are prepared with passion. We will show you how easy it is to switch to a healthy diet with a choice of gourmet foods.
# Take advantage of our take-out service
Simply park your vehicle in our free parking spaces. It is important to us that we can accommodate everyone. We therefore have easy access.
We look forward to your visit! You are always welcome.
Payment by VISA, Maestro card, MasterCard, dematerialized payment, check and meal tickets is accepted. You always have the possibility to pay in cash.
You don't have time? We are open from 10:30 to 14:30 and from 18:30 to 22:30 6 days a week. We are closed on Mondays.

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