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SPEAKEASY prohibition BAR
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SPEAKEASY prohibition BAR

22 rue ecuyere, Caen
· Now closed (16:00 - 01:00) Manage restaurant

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The restaurant offers meal takeaways

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Information SPEAKEASY prohibition BAR

# ===A bit of history

===*Bar Based on the American theme of the 1920's-1930's during the prohibition era!


===*"Speakeasy" a term used by the patrons of the Hidden Bars so as not to attract attention with the noise! obviously it also means "easy dialogue". *


===*Return to a Clandestine atmosphere with a warm and cocooning decor! *


# ===The Bar

# A musical atmosphere **Charleston & Electro swing** to keep you moving all night long! Local beer**, good wine** and house cocktails** rediscover the cocktails of the Roaring Twenties, in particular the MIMOSA**, the establishment's flagship product. Hot dogs** prepared at the minute are offered all evening until closing time!

# We look forward to seeing you!

# See You!"



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